State Law In


  • What does state law say?

    It is a violation of the law if the host knows that a person under the legal drinking age possesses or is consuming alcohol.

    The focus of the law is on serving and providing alcohol rather than setting, which is generally an important component of social host laws.  A gathering must include two or more persons who are under the legal drinking age.

    The person who can be charged with violating the law is called an “occupant,” which means a person who owns property, or has the legal right to exclude others from a place that is not licensed to serve alcohol.

  • What happens if an adult breaks the law?

    Adults who are charged with this violation face a maximum of six months imprisonment. Fines can also be imposed upon conviction of a misdemeanor, and the amounts involved will depend upon the facts of the case and the criminal record of the convicted defendant.  This is a Class 1 Misdemeanor.

  • Can adult do anything to rescind the violation?

    The law does not apply if the underage person is either immediate family or permenantly resides at the location where the incident occurred.

  • Can the adult be sued?

    A host that offers teenagers or other underage guests alcohol can be held liable for any accidents caused by their intoxicated guests. This means that any lawsuits brought against that intoxicated individual may result in a lawsuit against the host as well due to their role in causing these damages.